Friday, February 16, 2007

Spring Resolutions

Hey friends. I suppose I am thinking a lot these days about small things in life. Though they help me to analyze whats been happening to my life currently, however somehow i get this sinking feeling when I start reflecting about few things. One of them is what I plan to do next year. Currently being stuck in a software job , which has lost its novelty factor already , I am left with no choice but to do efforts for switching over. The obvious option that stares me on the face is CAT. Oh yesss.. The Elusive CAT. Recently I have changed my profile photo on Orkut also which will make me remember the work at hand. So at this date I have made a wow to myself that whatever come may , I will join IIMB next year.

Now to a some other resolutions:

1) Never take a train which will make me miss my flight and cost me a phatka of 4K (as happened on 14th Feb , Vday..aah dDay, 2007)
2) Never expect too much out of a marriage ceremony in UP ,for fights over small things do happen and continue to happen (12th Feb 2007)
3) Do let a person who is traveling for the first time in flight to sit near to the window, to avoid the uncomfable situation of him staring at my window, and me also, like he is in deep love with me(9th Feb, Indigo, Seat 4F). This obviously doesn't apply to ladies.
4) Never loose my cell charger again (13th Feb 2007)
5) Trust my brain more than my heart and my statement few days back that " Moments are more important than Money " is a total No Brainer.