Thursday, March 20, 2008

हैप्पी होली

I was self amazed when I read my last post. Really I have started sucking in my Blogs. Seems I need to rejuvenate my love for reading non technical stuff. My vocabulary has been definitely hit , and so has been the quality of blog. The thought process needs to be refined.. And definitely I should stop blogging at 1:38 AM , that too from office..

By the way I would not sign off without giving myself a piece of advice.. "How the hell does it make a difference to the blog , whether you write it at 1:40 AM or 1:40 PM.. Nobody is gonna read it anyways.. And please stop listening to the song Mann Tu Talbat (Electro Mix)..Its repeating for 15th time.."

Sign off.....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Aim High

There was a small kid. He had two sisters. Both got married one fine day , and then ... He grew up.